Why Strengths

Let’s talk about you for a second. Did you know that you have the ability to consistently provide near-perfect performance in a specific activity?

StrengthsFinderBut not just any activity. I’m talking about something you already do well. Stop and think for a second about a task that comes so naturally to you, that it almost freaks others out when they see just how good you are. It could be public speaking, organizing your kitchen, making lists of to-do’s or being able to enforce rules and create systems.

All of these examples are proof that you are naturally talented. Imagine what would happen if you were able to turn these talents into amazing strengths and then use your newly acquired strengths to be crazy successful?

The concept of Strengths-based development is not solely for those Ph.D.’s who understand the inner working of the human brain. You don’t need a massive amount of credentials behind your name to harness the power of strengths to enhance both your personal and professional lives.

All you need is to acknowledge your talents, take the time to develop them into strengths, and then put your butt in gear and start using them to make a difference in the world!

Sounds simple right? It is.

My experience has taught me that people spend gobs of time trying to become OK at things because someone told them that it was better to be well-rounded. This person may have been your boss, parent, grandparent or close friend, and while I believe their heart was in the right place, I’m here to inform you that it will take you a monumental time to go from OK to great if you are working against the grain.

What I suggest, is that you expose yourself to the idea of working in-line with your strengths, shift gears and make a bee line from good to AWESOME in half the time.

As referenced in the book StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath, Rudy Ruettiger was a great individual. He had drive, passion, motivation and a huge amount of heart. But what Rudy lacked, was the ability and physical attributes to be an awesome football player. He spent a ton of time getting whacked around the practice field only to be a part of one play, in only one game, and in his very last season.

Now this scenario makes for a great movie, but what does it reveal about our efforts in trying to become something in which we possess no talent?

Each one of us was born with the blessing of being able to perform certain tasks with little effort. Instead of shrugging those abilities off as “just something I’m good at,” why not try nurturing them and fostering growth over time? As you hone those edges of talents, you’ll soon find yourself wielding an unbreakable blade of pure strength and performance!

The StrengthsFinder assessment narrowed my focus, and provided me with a clearer target. Before my Top 5 Themes were revealed, I was firing in all directions, but at no clue what I was aiming at. Once I began to live a life that promoted my talents, the faster I found success! Trying to be something I wasn’t was exhausting.

If you feel like you are being pulled in a direction that’s opposite of your desired path, try taking the StrengthsFinder assessment.

It might just be the thing you need to redirect your path toward greatness!

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5 Steps to Kick-Starting Your TOP 5